Beth Lavinder
Beth Lavinder has been hooping for nearly 13 years, ever since she was first handed a hoop by the woman who would later become known as Spiral. Beth has been been part of the Carrboro flow arts scene since that first spin under the big oak tree on the Weaver Street Lawn and has also been a longtime student of the Jonathan Baxter of the HoopPath. Beth considers herself fortunate to have been able to travel far and wide, connecting to hoop communities at gatherings all over the US as well as the UK, Finland, Japan, and Bali. At the same time, the HoopPath has always held her heart and is her home base. The imagery and metaphorical potential of hoopdance inform Beth’s engagement with her prop and reflect similar dynamics in her interactions and movement through the world in general. That being said, she’s also a bit of a geek at heart and finds a lot of pleasure in the breaking down of hoop moves and in the attention to the smallest detail and gesture as this technical aspect of hoopdance holds its own delights and discoveries. Beth’s workshops will focus on the intersection of poetic expression and technique. And she is truly honored to be teaching in Holland for the first time.