Chris Gogler
In my late teens I dropped out of ballet school because of a chronic injury, I was sick of being in too much pain to walk and my free spirit was rebelling against what I perceived to be the somewhat conservative boundaries of the ballet world. I moved back home to the other side of Australia, let my free spirit fly and began to do things…choreograph for cabaret shows, make costumes, learn the ukulele, have my own art exhibition, sing and play keys in a punk band…and along the way hooping was just one of those wonderful things that I picked up. I was fostered and inspired by my two hooping friends in my home city who taught me a whole bunch of moves, youtube tutorials (of course!) and playing alone and finding my own odd combinations.
It wasn’t until I moved to Berlin much later that I took my first ever workshops and classes and that really helped my love and passion to grow. For me hooping is dance, it is one of the things that I do where I feel the most happiest and safest, where I can be creative and just be 100% myself, in my own body in the moment; just me and my hoop. No one is telling me how to hoop, I’m free to forge my own path and I love finding those elements of my long ago dance training that I can use to inspire my hooping today.
I do love trying to find these moments where dance and hoop technique can collide and make an exciting fusion, I also love dancing with two hoops and I have a new blossoming love and curiosity for multi hoops too!
I really enjoy teaching and have had the pleasure of teaching at some amazing events and conventions over the last few years. I enjoy getting the chance to share my passion, my research and ideas, and funky combos with a lovely group of receptive hoopers.