Tess van der Putten
Tess van der Putten is a dancer, a singer, a yoga teacher and the creator of Sensual Flow. In her life she tents to follow and live from her heart. Something that she is most passioned about sharing with others as well. Tess loves to inspire others to (re)connect to their body and being and does this is multiple ways. Tess believes in the power of movement, sound, stillness, listening, hearing and connecting: to yourself and each other. Feeling and opening yourself from within, with a loving hand on your heart and both of our human feet on the ground. Lets sing, dance, be, shine, share, create and celebrate: LIFE, Together!
Like to read more about Tess? www.tessvanderputten.com
It may not always be easy but it certainly is a big gift and a lot of fun to be a woman in a feminine body. Are you feeling curious about exploring this vulnerable but powerful part of your being more? Do you want to connect deeper to yourself, your heart, body and feminine being? Opening it up and letting it fuel and inspire you and your life?
Than come and join us for Sensual Flow – The workshop –
Within a safe space, we will come together with women as a group. There will we movement, dance, connection, feeling, sharing, opening up, discovering and breathing. There will be a chance for self development, a chance to receive insights about yourself and your life. You’ll be given a chance to see and be seen. Be more of who you really are and embody just that, YOU.
This workshop is an experience. Therefore this workshop is for women who would like to get out of their heads and guided back into their bodies. The place from where we feel and experience. The place from where we open up our hearts, being and aliveness.
You know there is more to life… more to feel, see and connect to… more to you!
Come and join us! Awaken yourself and your senses and let your body and being show you the way.
During this workshop you can expect to:
• Explore and reconnect to your feminine body and being -> move it, touch it, feel it on a deeper level.
• Practice a feminine way of meditation and self love -> finding your way back to YOU.
• Practice authentic relating -> how do you show up in life and in connection to others? specifically women.
• Learn about yourself and your life -> Your patterns, your desires, your deepest wishes for what you want and want to be and create in this life.