Babz Robinson

One of the hoop world’s most prolific creators of hoop dance trick tutorials Babz Robinson, Canadian native has been raising the bar and innovating modern hoop dance since 2003. Her comprehensive tutorials and passion for sharing knowledge have earned her the Hoopies awards for both Instructor of the Year and Tutorial of the Year! When not found exploring the mountains surrounding her home she can be found teaching at the worlds foremost hoop dance retreats and festivals. Rarely seen without a smile on her face this exuberant woman lives to empower people in their hoops and in their lives. Babz is going to  give 2 workshops. Woehoe!

Workshop Description:


Like big moves that add whoa to your flow? You’re not alone! Building big combinations and breaking them down into delicious bite sized morsels just happens to be a Babz speciality! Come fill your plate with new moves you may have thought too daunting to devour and leave empowered with the knowledge that you my dear, can eat big tricks for breakfast! Not only that but cook up your own killer combo recipe while you’re at it. 


Fill up that bag of tricks of yours, spice up that repertoire and add some fresh flair to your flow. Feeling like you’ve hit that “wall”? Pshaw! Don’t be silly! There are no walls here! Time to get funky and add some fun new moves to fill out your flow. I will fill your brains with as many moves as time and space in your beautiful melon allows.